A fire shining brightly

Emma Carswell  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 2000
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Over 10,000 evangelists, pastors and preachers met in Amsterdam in early August for the largest international gathering of ministers ever held.

Ill health prevented Billy Graham from attending the conference that his organisation had hosted. At the last minute even plans for him to deliver the opening address by satellite had to be abandoned.

Instead, his son Franklin Graham delivered a message from his 81-year-old father, who though 3,000 miles away nevertheless made his presence felt. 'I deeply regret the circumstances that have kept me from being with you,' began Billy Graham. 'Although I am deeply disappointed, I have accepted this as the plan and will of God. Be assured, however, that I will be with you in spirit and prayer throughout the conference.' On the final evening Billy and Ruth Graham sent their greetings via video-link, and Billy gave a closing challenge. He said: 'I am asking you to take the light from here you found during these days. Hold that light high as you return to your home, and with the light of thousands of others from around the world, we can make a fire that will shine brightly and never be put out.'

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