Speaking personally . . . (Bulldog for April)

Mary Davis  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 1998
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Jesus did it. Paul did it. So did Priscilla and Aquila. Are things now so different that we don't need to?

Evangelist David Watson thought it was crucial: 'Giving a talk, it is said, is like throwing water from a bucket over a row of bottles; a few drops may enter into some. Speaking to individuals . . . is like pouring water from the jug into the narrow neck of each bottle.'(1) Watson rather underestimates the impact of preaching in this quotation and, of course, we do usually concentrate on the individual bottles when they're new. But what about pouring water into the bottles on an ongoing basis - particularly those bottles that have been sitting around a bit?

It's not hard to understand why working with individuals slips down, or off, the priority list. The minister is busy; the church member is busy. A leader who makes the time to 'explain the word of God more adequately'(2) to one person and consequently not to another may risk accusations of favouritism. His 'intrusion' may be met with suspicion and resentment. On top of this, spending time with more mature Christians - the home group leaders, church council members - can seem an unnecessary and unrealistic luxury. Is It really worth carving out time for individuals - not just in their crises - but to speak to them proactively and personally about their spiritual health?

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