Children find bodies of pastor and wife

Iain Taylor  |  World
Date posted:  1 Apr 2024
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Children find bodies of pastor and wife

Democratic Republic of Congo flag

The bodies of a church pastor and his wife from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have been found, by two children, three weeks after they were abducted by Islamist militants.

The pastor, of the Eglise Message du Temps church in Bayeti, was snatched with his wife and a number of other Christians from the church during a service. Five church members were killed during the initial raid, including the pastor’s two children. The attack was by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an Islamist extremist rebel group who, using guns and machetes, had killed at least 12 local Christians while they were working on their farms.

Local pastor Jean Marie notes that the numerous attacks on Christian communities in eastern DRC continue to cause massive population displacement, many fleeing towards the cities of Beni and Oicha.

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