Orthodox Jew wants Gazans to ‘get a little Jesus’

Iain Taylor  |  World
Date posted:  1 Mar 2024
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Orthodox Jew wants Gazans to ‘get a little Jesus’

Above: some of the destruction in Gaza. Below: Jonathan Feldstein

An Orthodox Jewish writer Jonathan Feldstein is currently ‘praying for Gazans to get a little Jesus in 2024’.

Feldstein is president of the Genesis 123 Foundation, whose declared mission is to ‘build bridges between Jews and Christians with Israel in ways that are new, unique, and meaningful’. He made the call as he believes ‘the best and safest way to change the situation and bring peace [in Gaza] is for the masses of Gazans, and Palestinian Arabs in general, to convert to Christianity’.

Writing in Christian publication Heart, he continues ‘If it were up to me, the late Billy Graham would come back and hold months of crusades throughout Gaza. There are also many former Muslims who have become Christians, many speak Arabic and know the culture, who I would bring along as well. From day one, Gazans would be fed a diet of Christian faith to counteract the buffet of hate that they have ingested.

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