New convert martyred in Uganda

Iain Taylor  |  World
Date posted:  1 Feb 2024
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New convert martyred in Uganda

Busia District, Uganda.

A mother who turned to Christ has been murdered by her own son for bringing, in his words, ‘disgrace to the family and the religion of Allah’.

Sawuba Naigaga’s son, Ashirafu Basalirwa, returned home to Busia town, Busia District, Uganda after working in Saudi Arabia for four years. When he found his mother mentioning the name of Jesus as she prayed, he pushed her hard against the wall. He then took a blunt object and hit her on the head. She was rushed to hospital but died a few days later from internal bleeding.

Sawuba had a friend, whose name is withheld for security reasons, who told her the Gospel and led her to Christ. The friend said 'I preached the Good News of Jesus to Sawuba, who gave her life to Christ in 2022. We had been attending church. She kept her faith silent from her family members, including her son.'

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