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Uk News

News in Brief

  • Jesus House: Pastor Agu speaks out

    Christianity magazine

    Following Sir Keir Starmer’s apology for visiting the vaccination centre at Jesus House church, north London, Pastor Agu Irukwu (see photo) responded to the charges that the church is anti-LGBT and advocates conversion therapy: ‘It is incompatible with being a true follower of Jesus Christ to be anti-anyone. The cross reminds us that we all need Jesus.

    ‘We do not engage in any form of conversion therapy. The church provides appropriate pastoral support, including prayer, to all our members, whatever their circumstances. This is consistent with freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the government’s current position.’

  • Glasgow: misleading NHS gender clinic

    The Christian Institute

    An NHS gender clinic in Scotland has been accused of misleading young people over the effects of experimental puberty-blocking drugs.

    It was revealed that officials at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, which manages Sandyford Sexual Health Clinic, refused to acknowledge publicly that those drugs have long-term effects on bone density, growth and brain development. The clinic only withdrew a leaflet claiming the drugs were ‘fully reversible’ in June last year, despite being aware of research stating the opposite much earlier.