Reversing the Reformation

Pete Woodcock & Tom Sweatman  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2017
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Reversing the Reformation

The Spiritual Power of Habit
By James K A Smith
Brazos Press. 224 pages. £15.57
ISBN 978 1 587 433 801

Listed as one of 2016’s top ten evangelical books to read, this book has been recommended on various evangelical websites and by renowned evangelical Christian leaders. That is both astonishing and alarming, because this is a dangerous book – one that could even lead people back to pre-Reformation religion.

Smith seems disenchanted with Word-based Christian ministry and discipleship. He longs for the worship of God’s gathered people to be ‘tactile, tangible, incarnate’.

Read more articles by Pete Woodcock & Tom Sweatman >>

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