UK & Ireland in Brief

All UK & Ireland

These articles were first published in our October edition of the newspaper, click here for more.

Theology free

As celebrated its 14th anniversary on 1 September, the 25,000+ theological articles that it hosts are equipping millions of visitors around the world to study in-depth, not only the Bible, but also church history, biblical archaeology and Christian missions without the need to access a university or Bible College library.

Launched in September 2001 the original website has developed into eight inter-linked sites which provide their resources free of charge.

Rich marry more than poor

Bible Society’s Newswatch (Premier)

A study by the Marriage Foundation published in August, has shown that the trend away from marriage was largely confined to low income groups prior to the 1990s.

However, families on middle incomes are now increasingly likely not to marry.

RE: watered down

Bible Society’s Newswatch (The Daily Telegraph)

The Church of England’s chief education officer, the Revd Nigel Genders, said in August that changes to the GCSE system are creating a ‘moral vacuum’ which is fuelling extremism.

He said: ‘Young people are looking for some sort of religious identity and they’re finding just a moral vacuum, because religion has been side-lined or its been treated as a subject that you can actually water down to be something about values or something about citizenship.’

Prayer, mate?


The mobile app designed to help Christians pray more regularly, reached a major milestone in September after receiving its 100,000th download across both iOS and Android.

The free app, shortlisted three times for the Premier Digital awards, is developed by Andy Geers in his spare time. Geers says that he is only just getting started on the app. PrayerMate is currently being translated into various other languages by a team of volunteers. There are also always new features being developed.

‘No morality please’

The Christian Institute

A Manchester City council chief said in August that street preachers should not talk about morality.

Councillor Pat Karney said that the police would be continuing to try to clampdown on ‘noisy’ preachers, and he said that preaching which covers sexual orientation is ‘not proper at all’. He said: ‘Preachers do have a right to be out on the streets but I do not think it right if they are talking about morality. They’re perfectly entitled to talk about Jesus and the Word of God, but not to make anyone feel insecure or threatened.’

UK bankrolls persecution

Bible Society’s Newswatch (The Daily Telegraph)

It was revealed in August that the government donates £2.7 billion a year in aid to countries where Christians are suffering some of the most extreme religious persecution in the world.

Analysis of official aid statistics shows that four out of five countries listed on a global human rights watch list receive money from the overseas development budget or through other official agencies.

Broken promise on Sunday

The Christian Institute

The government looks set to try to relax Sunday trading laws still further via a consultation which finished on 16 September.

However it has come to light that the Keep Sunday Special Campaign was told ahead of the General Election that the Conservatives believed that the current system ‘provides a reasonable balance’ and that they had ‘no current plans to relax the Sunday trading laws.’ Colin Hart of the Christian Institute warned of the damaging effect of further relaxation of the law.