At home with the kids

Kath Paterson  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2010
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Becoming the parents God wants you to be
By Ed Moll & Tim Chester. The Good Book Company ( 96 pages. £5.00
ISBN 978-1-90633-470-3

This book certainly is ‘good news’ for families everywhere! It is a brilliant resource that will encourage families of every shape and size to explore how life, both inside and outside the family unit, fits into God’s plan for creation. Co-authors Ed Moll and Tim Chester share honestly about their own experience as dads, but this is so much more than a ‘self-help’ guide for parenting!

The book divides into four parts illustrating in various ways what Gospel, Grace, Word, and Mission-centred family life can look like. The brevity of the 12 chapters has been designed with busy parents in mind, and helpfully follows a symbol-coded layout. Each chapter begins with an everyday family scenario that provokes the reader to think about what would be the right gospel-shaped response. It then explores a relevant biblical principle before applying it in contemporary ways. The chapter ends with questions for reflection that can be used either personally or in group discussion.

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