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The Editorial

God is saving people

Recently we had a couple of folk baptised at our church. It was a great Sunday evening service and afterwards I got talking to one of the Christian relatives who had come to see his niece baptised.

John Benton

‘Do you have any baptisms coming up?’ I asked. ‘Yes’, he replied, ‘we are due to baptise 13 people in November’. ‘Wow!’ I thought, ‘13! We hear of ones and twos being converted [we’re talking believer’s baptism here] but 13 is wonderful’. He did explain that it wasn’t quite so dramatic as might first appear because, for building reasons, they had not been able to hold baptisms for the earlier part of the year, so this group included a little backlog of candidates. But, nevertheless, it was great to hear of 13 folk coming to faith in one ordinary church.