
Brian Murray  |  Features
Date posted:  1 May 2008
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What do you do when you hit a crossroads in life? After working in film and television for the last 15 years, in London and Glasgow, a couple of years ago I was becoming aware that I had the potential to have some time on my hands. I felt that God was challenging me to do something, but I didn’t know what!

I was the stereotypical 30-something man, married with kids, mortgage, estate car, lawn mower. But one thing I had kept in the back of my mind was to get some form of Bible training. While working, this always seemed like a worthy ideal.

Bible training?

Reaching a crossroads, however, forced me to seriously consider the possibility of undertaking Bible training. I had dipped my toes in the water by previously taking a couple of modules at a local Bible college.

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