Sex education?

Trevor Stammers  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Mar 2004
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Sex education & the sexual revolution
By E.S. Williams
Belmont House Publishing (
328 pages. £8.00
ISBN 0 52993 95 3

The bulk of this book comprises a painstakingly-detailed account of the sexual seduction of our society over the past two centuries by sexual revolutionaries from Robert Owen (1771-1858) to Gill Frances of the present-day National Children's Bureau.

It is a valuable resource book for specialist readers, tracing not only the key players but also highlighting their tactics - 'values clarification' replacing a Christian moral framework, promotion of adolescent sexual activity as a given norm and the hijacking of terms such as 'family' to promote an overtly anti-marriage agenda. The sacrifice and personal suffering of those who dare oppose the sex education lobby also comes across very powerfully, especially in the chapter on Victoria Gillick.

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