A Flame of Sacred Love

Don Stephens  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 1998
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By Norman Cliff
OM Publishing. 130 pages
ISBN 1 85078 328 4

Readers who enjoy the history of missions will appreciate this account of the life of Benjamin Broomhall (1829-1911), one of the best-known Christian laymen in the latter part of the 19th century.

He was married to Hudson Taylor's sister Amelia and together they promoted CIM's image and affairs in Britain. Although neither of them set foot in China, as CIM's General Secretary, Broomhall was chief administrator and editor of the magazine China's Millions. This book will be important to students of missionary enterprise when Britain was at the zenith of its power. In spite of Broomhall's merits, Hudson Taylor features prominently.

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