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Our goal at en is to encourage Christians as well as to advance and promote the Christian faith. A first-hand testimonial, from a trusted person, is often the biggest influencer for someone considering taking on board something for themselves.

We recognise that it’s people like you, the en readers, subscribers and agents who are our ‘voice in the marketplace’ so-to-speak, sharing those first-hand testimonials. With every article shared and every news-piece prayed for, there is an opportunity to be a part of the greater picture of what the Lord is doing in and through His people around the world. Thank you for your participation in this way.

We’d like to provide you with a handful of resources which are designed to be helpful for promoting the newspaper in line with our mission and for the purposes of providing encouragement, prayer fuel, a biblical perspective on current issues and insight on what's happening with God's church worldwide. Please use them as you see fit.

Each month we also email out a sneak-peak preview of some of the highlights of the up-coming issue, along with some images used for powerpoint or other church promotions.  If you'd like to receive these emails, or if you have other ideas for resources you would find useful, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

'5 reasons to read a Christian newspaper' (A5 landscape)
Subscription forms (A4)
en logo and strapline
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