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Designed to run over eight weeks, each evening of the course unfolds as follows: leaders’ prayer meeting, meal, group discussion, talk, second group discussion. Paul’s letter to the Philippians is the basic text for the course, although a variety of topics (such as the cross, the Holy Spirit and prayer) are covered in the discussion slots and in additional Bible readings that are prescribed for each day of the course period.

Greg Strain

Study Guide & Leaders Edition
By Barry Cooper & Rupert Higgins
The Good Book Company. £3.00 & £6.00
ISBN 1 90488 964 6 & 1 90488 963 8

Many churches have benefited greatly from using |Christianity Explored| to explain the gospel, and now the Good Book Company has provided us with a follow-on course to enable the young Christian to explore what it means to be a disciple of Christ.